Surgical Technique

Video-assisted thoracoscopic double sleeve lobectomy: a lived video in a nationwide academic conference

Jun Huang, Yuan Qiu, Xin Xu, Yidong Wang, Lixia Zhong, Hanzhang Chen, Jianxing He


At present, with development of medical technology VATS (video-assisted thoracic surgery) was used more and more widely in surgical treatment of lung cancer, including the central lung cancer (1,2). Although VATS bronchial sleeve resection or VATS angioplasty has been reported, the VATS double sleeve lobectomy (bronchial sleeve resection and pulmonary sleeve resection synchronously) has been an absolute contraindication for VATS and has forced conversion to thoracotomy. In fact, to date there are very few reported cases of double sleeve lobectomy by VATS (3-5). We lived a “VATS left upper double sleeve lobectomy” in a nationwide academic conference in June 7, 2014, more than 1,500 thoracic surgeons of China witnessed the whole operation. The operation reports as follows.

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